Online Traffic and Speeding Ticket Payments in Caddo Parish or Shreveport, Louisiana
“What you will have wished you had known, before you paid that ticket.”
Before you pay your Caddo Parish or Shreveport, Louisiana traffic or speeding ticket online, contact Attorney Paul Massa for a FREE review of your options in this case.
Paying your Caddo Parish or Shreveport, Louisiana traffic or speeding ticket online will certainly subject you to increased auto insurance rates on your car, truck or commercial vehicle policy.
Many Louisiana parishes and cities now offer online ticket payments for some citations and infractions. Do not be mistaken that this payment option will save you time or money. Whenever you pay your traffic ticket (online or not), you are pleading guilty to the ticket and the consequences inevitably will be higher auto insurance rates and points against your driver’s license at DMV.
Trust Attorney Paul Massa, a Louisiana Traffic Lawyer with over 30 years of experience and proven success in every Louisiana traffic court.
After Paul reviews the details of your traffic or speeding ticket, he can provide you with a simple explanation of each of your legal options and the consequences of each of those decisions. He’s been representing clients with Louisiana traffic and speeding tickets since 1991.
Attorney Paul Massa can represent you before all Louisiana Courts to obtain lower fines, court costs, and contempt fees in regards to your traffic ticket. His clients’ Caddo Parish or Shreveport, Louisiana traffic tickets are either DISMISSED, or REDUCED to a NON MOVING VIOLATION which will not appear on your driver license record.
Submit your ticket information to Paul Massa to receive a free consultation about your ticket before you try and pay your Caddo Parish or Shreveport, Louisiana traffic or speeding ticket online.

Examples of Caddo Parish traffic tickets Paul defends:
• Speeding
• Red Light
• Stop Sign
• Failure to Yield
• No Insurance
• HOV/Carpool Lane
• CDL – Commercial Drivers
• Cell Phone/Texting
• Following too Close
• Too Fast for Conditions
• Obstructing an Intersection
• Speeding in a School Zone
• Suspended License Reinstatement
1. To begin, please fill out the FREE CONSULTATION FORM or call 504-975-6606
2. When I receive your information through my website form, I email a message to you with an Offer of Legal Representation, how I can help you, and also an immediate FREE legal fee quote for your consideration.
3. When you accept my Legal Representation Offer, by paying the legal fee and sending me a copy of your traffic ticket, I do all the work as your attorney representing you before the court. You will not need to appear in court.
4. After your ticket is successfully resolved, I will provide you with the final disposition, any court paperwork, and all the instructions to follow if there is a fine to pay the court in order to keep your ticket off your driving record at DMV.
It’s easy to retain the legal experience of Louisiana traffic ticket lawyer Paul Massa for your case.